unintentional "permanent" domination

Issue #4597 new
Former user created an issue

I became an ichor merchant. TLDR: YOU, A, and B all have domination. YOU dominate A for 1000 turns, you as A waits ~800 turns and dominates B for 1000 turns, you as A as B waits ~200 turns and then suddenly focus returns to YOU. YOU can observe B to see he is still going to be dominated for a while. When the effect expires, focus returns to A, permanently as there is no domination to end.

Basically I made a group of ichor merchants via cloning draught. I had a couple of ichor merchants within the group who were special. One of them I leveled up and it ended up with domination at level 8, the other one was it's clone. so I started doing some recursive domination. I was curious what I could do with this power, so I dominated ichor merchant #1 and found a bookbinder, dominated it, took the books, waited around...? then dominated the other ichor merchant #2 while still controlling ichor #1. I stole books as ichor #2 and leveled up at the book place, then went back and waited around. At this point (still ichor #2) I waited for the domination to expire, and I naturally resumed as ichor #1. I was able to start dominating ichor #2 again before returning to main character, so I tried it. What happened relatively soon after was a sudden snap back to my main character before the current domination had run out. That is, I still had a few hundred turns left as ichor merchant #2. This detail seemed harmless until a few hundred turns later.

100 turns later: I was back by my group of ichors where both ichor #1 and ichor #2 had returned to. Interestingly I saw that ichor #2 had the status effect of "dominated", which would last a couple hundred turns. I waited around to see if anything would happen when it expired.

Something happened: I became ichor #1... "permanently"! I could now only temporarily control my real character via domination, but my root existence was now as an ichor merchant. This was hilarious to me.

Of course, I still wanted a way to become my character again so here's how I did that. - I stole another cloning draught from a fellow ichor and cloned my character "Kula". - I dominated "Kula", waited ~700 turns out of 750, then dominated "clone of Kula" - I waited until being snapped abruptly back to ichor #1 a couple hundred turns later - I examined clone of Kula to see the dominated status would last a few hundred more turns - a few hundred turns later I became "Kula" again, "permanently" this time

Side note: during my time stuck as ichor #1, I kept getting teleported back to the ichor tent when I tried to leave map (because I myself was a clone follower?)

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