You can talk to yourself while you are dominating another body

Issue #4670 resolved
Mawootad created an issue

While dominating a unit, if you look at the unit you are dominating you can chat with them. This is overall weird and kinda glitchy, as it allows you to trade with yourself (putting your inventory on both sides of the trade menu) and giving you two options to water ritual yourself. If you do water ritual yourself you can do it without any water in your actual inventory (although it might be taken from your actual body?) and you perform it with any reputation modifiers that your current body has. Finally, because dominated enemies are always friendly this means that you can dominate and water ritual hostile uniques without needing to make them a follower through something like proselytize or beguile that force you to un-proselytize/beguile any units you currently have following you (which will frequently turn them hostile). Overall seems very buggy and probably should be patched out.

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