[#bugs] (Stable branch) After testing and community consensus, I can confirm that using ...

Issue #4675 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: helado, who knits the icy cream

Message (jump):

<Firel> (Stable branch)
After testing and community consensus, I can confirm that using a Nectar when a Flux would otherwise be a failure will always result in a successful Nectar, basically allowing RNG prediction through precognition. This is caused because the RNG rolls are counter to eachother- that is to say, flux will always fail when 10.in100() is 10 or under, but Nectar will always succeed if 25.in100() is 25 or under- and if flux fails, the result is always under 25, because the result is under 10. Rolling back to the precog and taking the Nectar when you would have taken the failed Flux will result in a succeeded nectar 24 times out of 25 of my tests- and I think the 25th time was a mistake in testing.
There's no telling the number of things this logic could be applied to, in order to cause otherwise semi-rare or even significantly rare events to happen with near-perfect prediction.

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