[#bugs] twinning lampreys break the proselytize limit, and I'm not entirely sure how it ...

Issue #4720 resolved
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Marked for crossposting by: Dij

Message (jump):

<inky twinning Joanna> twinning lampreys break the proselytize limit, and I'm not entirely sure how it works? you proselytize one, the other (hostile) dies, and it twins into another friendly one. this also allows me to have an uneven number of lampreys active

this works with clonelings too, when one friendly lamprey is cloned, and the hostile clone is killed, another friendly lamprey spawns

proselytizing another lamprey seems to add one to their number

I can't tell if proselytizing another creature removes one from their number, it's getting really hard to count them

they don't seem to multiply when a single friendly lamprey is killed, only when it becomes not-friendly and is killed

yes I am just letting them be cloned over and over so I have infinite friends <:pout:656764620882575362>

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