Barathumites have a tendency to kill eachother

Issue #4732 resolved
Mawootad created an issue

If enemies get inside the Barathumite base in Grit Gate for whatever reason the Barathumites have a tendency to get murdered, either by eachother or by defenses. I’m assuming this has something to do with retaliation due to friendly fire, but in any case it results in a bunch of dead Barathumites for really stupid reasons. I have never noticed this effect during A Call to Arms, only during normal play, and I would assume that there is some coding in play that prevents that sort of friendly fire during the mission; it would be really nice if this sort of thing was always in play as it’s really annoying to have one of the three merchants gunned down randomly by a laser turret or Q Girl.

Comments (4)

  1. Mawootad reporter

    Also, I experienced my most recent case of this on the beta branch, but I’ve had it happen on live as well. In beta I believe it happened due to some of the droids in the main Grit Gate following me inside while trying to turn in the Golgotha quest and in live it was after a bear followed me inside the alcove where Mafeo normally waits.

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