[#beta-bugs] [alpha]attribute points from mutations are not being applied properly within the...

Issue #4800 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<inky twinning Joanna> [alpha]attribute points from mutations are not being applied properly within the flow of character creation. I made the same character on stable and alpha branches and this is the difference. However, once the game starts my stats are correct

only arconaut actually applied its attribute buff, starting me at 12 agility, and making agility 19 and 20 only cost one point. This was really confusing at first, because I hadn't even noticed the faded grey bottom text noting how many points per increase

also notice that the listed HP is wrong for the toughness score displayed in the new character creation flow

generally, I think adding a plus sign to positive attribute modifiers and/or changing the colour of the modifier (green for positive, white for zero, red for negative) would improve readability of attribute spending a lot. Also changing the point cost per increase to a white font

personally I feel like the old flow worked better on the whole? choose your core attributes, and then the modifiers, so you don't end up with phantom points and changes in how many points an attribute takes to increase

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