[#bugs] Bodyswapping self-clones let's you stack merged gear bonuses. https://www.reddi...

Issue #4850 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<Jaysyn> Bodyswapping self-clones let's you stack merged gear bonuses. https://www.reddit.com/r/cavesofqud/comments/pcdnx3/body_swapping_is_op/

Comments (4)

  1. rockygr

    the OP of that thread explained:

    So,aparently you can dominate clones of yourself made by clonelings. So obviously,the first step is to have domination and a proselytized cloneling at your dispousal.

    But the real fun begins when you notice that the clones that are made bear the same atributes that your character have,with bonus and all.

    That means bonus str,ag,ego etc... and resistances all go to the clone,which means that if you body swap with him you can stack these bonus,and then you can clone this clone and body swap the new clone to stack even further.

    So if you originally have 11 resistance from all elements with a zetachrome lune,your clone will have 11 resistance from all elements naturally,which stacks to 22 resistance if you body swap and then wear a zetachrome lune,and if you clone yourself again the new clone will naturally have 22 and can stack to 33 wearing it and so on.


    have dominate,find cloneling

    1-eat recipe with +hp/str/ego/will/wear armor with atribute bonus or resistance

    2-Make clone

    3-body swap

    4-repeat until godhood

    Obs:AV,DV and MA from meals also stack,which presents a much easier but kinda time consuming way to increase your natural AV than farming neutron flux

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