Not focusable game if tabbed out from full screen. Launch also may or may not launch not focusable.

Issue #4873 resolved
Scotty Copa created an issue

If the game launches normally in full screen, then I can’t alt tab or have anything pull away focus at all or else the game can’t be focused again. When the game isn’t focusable it’s still on the Windows 10 taskbar and clicking it makes it appear for a fraction of a second. But it’s almost like it’s permanently minimized. Closing out of or minimizing every other window on all monitors reveals that the game is minimized and not focusable. In all cases where I say not focusable from here on, this is what I’m referring to.

There’s a chance the game launches not focused and I have to right click to close from the taskbar, stop through Steam or Task Manager because it’s also unable to be focused. There’s also a chance it will launch focused but not full screen, even though it’s supposed to be and says it is in the settings. This causes it to be out of alignment. It doesn’t spill onto my other monitors, but it looks like it should as it’s off screen on the bottom and sides and also under the task bar at the top. If I try to switch resolution it works-ish but scales weirdly. If I unselect full screen it scales normally again, and then if I reselect full screen it will go full screen while dropping to the task bar and becoming unselectable again.

I don’t really have an idea of how to try and troubleshoot this on my end, so I haven’t done a lot other than messing with resolution and full screen settings while stuck in a loop of closing and launching. I’m going to list the priority as major really only because lower than 1080P in windowed mode is visually pretty fuzzy as far as I’m concerned and there’s no alternative like windowed full screen. - Edit from a few hours later: I was able to get windowed functional without fuzz and acting like a normal window. Still all the other issues are unresolved but I’m gonna drop the priority to minor cause it’s far from game breaking or anything.

Attached is a gif of me trying to select the game window. This is right after I launched it. Didn’t even get to touch settings or see the splash screen. It launched minimized and not focusable.

OS: Windows 10 Pro, build 19043.1165

CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 OC’ed to 4Ghz

RAM: 16 GB

GPU: GTX 1080

3 monitor set up, all 1080P but one is in vertical orientation.

Comments (3)

  1. Scotty Copa reporter

    After hours of searching I finally entered the right combination of terms into Google and learned that this is an issue with a Windows 10 update. One from years ago. That appeared a second time in 2019. And seems to have made a return. And so I don't think there's anything concerning my issue to do with Caves of Qud.

    For anyone who winds up with the same issue and searches the bug reports to see if someone else reported it or to find a solution: The only consistent workaround that works for me is changing my Win10 Taskbar location. I keep it at the top for a lot of reasons that don't matter here. When I changed it to the left, the right and the bottom it stopped giving me this issue. There's also making your taskbar hide, which I'm not a fan of and isn't a permanent solution either as it'll still rip you from full screen if you mouse over it and prevented me from going back. And for whatever reason you can double tap your Windows key so the start menu appears and then disappears and it's possible this will work. I tried this to begin with, as it's a common solution for games being wonky in full screen. It didn't work for me, but little did I know I just wasn't persistent enough. After more trial and error I found I was able to get it to work about 1 out of every 60 or so attempts. Which isn't ideal, and can easily wind up with you rolling over the time it works because it's just a temporary solution. Losing focus of the full screen will make it break again. That's all I can offer, but I hope it helps someone or better yet that the issue never affects anyone else.

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