[beta] Dual wielding does not work

Issue #49 resolved
syntaxaire created an issue

Steps to reproduce:

  • Create a mutant character with Multiple Arms
  • Wish for ‘pro’, ‘skillpoints’, ‘xp:100000’, and ‘calm’
  • Increase Multiple Arms' level to 10 and invest in all dual wielding/offhand skills in Short Blades and Dual Wielding
  • Wish for ‘carbide dagger’, ‘steel dagger’, ‘iron dagger’ and ‘bronze dagger’ and equip them all
  • Activate ‘Flurry’ or try a regular attack on any NPC

Expected result: Attempt to attack with 2+ weapons most of the time, or all of the time with Flurry

Actual result: Only ever attack with weapon in primary hand

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