Relic Single-slug Muskets(/Sniper rifles?) that gain +1 RoF can still only fire 1 shot due to still only holding 1 slug

Issue #4966 new
Xeno created an issue

Relic Muskets (& probably Sniper rifles and these might actually be used later in the game!, but untested) that gain ‘Multiple ammo used per shot: 2’ & ‘Multiple projectiles per shot: 2’ still only hold 1 lead slug in it magazine and still only fire 1 projectile and will therefore also always give the '[X] has no more ammo' message every time it is fired.

IIRC these types of single-ammo + single-shot firearms cannot gain extra RoF via the Liquid-cooled Mod

Speculative ‘fix’ - Possibly any firearm that gains extra RoF but has a max ammo magazine less than the new amount of ammo used per shot should have its ammo capacity increased to the new RoF?

Personal aside - I quite liked picking a Musket one of these up and thought of it as a ‘double-barreled’ musket and it was quite immersive, sadly it couldn’t fire both of them 😞 😉 - I’d personally like to see any single-ammo firearm that gets this have some ‘flavour’ text of the ‘‘Mod' description’ be added to make it sound like it has just had another full barrel grafted onto it 😁, but that is just me being 'sound cool’

This is the current stable branch and not the Beta