UX: Tab does dramatically different things in two similar contexts

Issue #5 resolved
Former user created an issue

Consider two conceptually adjacent views:

  • The list of items in a container, overlaid on the current map
  • The list of items in a container, in the "trade" or box-management screen

In the first one, Tab is "take everything" In the second, Tab is "bring up the context menu for the current item"

I frequently fire off "take everything" when I want to "look at" an item in my current view. The overburden warning helps, but if I'm able but don't want to pick up everything, it's very annoying!

A possible band-aid would be to require confirm of take-all even if it won't overburden you; but a better solution would be to have a different default keybind for take-all vs. within-inventory look.

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