[#beta-bugs] getting a consistent crash on this save after recoiling to grit gate from deep u...

Issue #5010 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<inky twinning Joanna> getting a consistent crash on this save after recoiling to grit gate from deep underground
Action queue inconsistency: Removing object with no current cell Star Kraken(star kraken)

Comments (7)

  1. Dij

    Kleril, the Shabnak-Adyr (og message link):

    just wanna throw a quick "hey I'm experiencing this freeze / crash" to supplement this issue:

    The game isn't frozen, but in a soft-lock state where none of your keypresses are processed, but mouseover on the ability bar will still highlight things properly.

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