[#beta-bugs] Using legacy key mapper with modern UI element cause directional input in popup ...

Issue #5012 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<ZoraZ> Using legacy key mapper with modern UI element cause directional input in popup menu to conflict with popups hotkeys.

For example:
- In Esc popup (top left UI), binding [W] to "Move North" and [S] to "Move South" (this is my actual keybind to play the game) would cause moving selection cursor down with [S] key to Save and Quit instead, while pressing [W] still normally moves cursor up.
- Same goes to all other UIs in the image as far as I tested myself.
- This includes all number hotkeys (D1, D2, D3 etc.), [T] and [Tab] in conversation UI.

Using new input manager with modern UI element doesn't seem to conflict with each other, same goes to legacy key mapper and legacy UI element.

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