So, I can't seem to cross into Brightsheol in the new Beta.

Issue #5018 resolved
Former user created an issue

So, I am playing a high level gunslinger True Kin Artifex, loved the new cybernetics by the way, and I go up to Resheph's tomb, I talk to the Robot, I forgot their name, and they simply do not inscribe my history in stone, so I can't get into Brightsheol. It's worth mentioning that I went to Graftek and got my skin cyberized as soon as I got a ganglionic teleprojector. Not sure if that little strategy cost me the after life. This is actually the first bugreport I've ever done, so I'm not sure which files I should send, if any. Anyway, love the game, and would really like for the pronouns mod to be adopted in the new creation. This is one of the few games with positive trans representation out there, and as trans woman myself, I do have a special place in my heart for this game.

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