[#beta-bugs] Well, when I use Cloaca Surprise in the latest beta branch release (as a mutant,...

Issue #516 invalid
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: kindlethumbed helado

Message (jump):

<Demonoxus> Well, when I use Cloaca Surprise in the latest beta branch release (as a mutant, ofc), I receive the usual text, but nothing else happens. All my items are unequipped, my flaming hands mutation disappears, and I don't get the Bilge Sphincter. Also, my "sight" range seems to remain stuck to the spot I ate Cloaca Surprise in (like, the light doesn't follow my character anymore).

Comments (2)

  1. chaos

    Unable to replicate (procedure: make new character with flaming hands, wish for cloacasurprise). That's very clearly a result of an exception being thrown during the body rebuild process, but there's nothing to provide any hints as to what it might be. If a pre-cloaca-surprise save or replication steps from a new game (presumably using the cloacasurprise wish) can be generated, or debug log output from immediately after the cloaca surprise went wrong can be provided. please reopen.

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