beta - Relic weapon is missing faction name in power (exact line is "-200 reputation with"), can't be equipped, and has cloned itself

Issue #5236 resolved
Christina Kriech created an issue

Picked up a relic weapon in a historical site. When I try to equip it using the equipment menu, I get the pop-ups for the associated new powers (electrical generation in this case) but when I go back to the equipment menu, the hand slot is empty. I was able to equip it as a ‘thrown weapon’, which didn’t add any powers (which I assume is intentional) and was still in the slot when I went to check on it.

Notably, the disliked by a faction power doesn’t list a faction name, the line in the description just says: "-200 reputation with"

After messing around for a few minutes, I found that I had two copies of the relic in my inventory. I am not sure when I received a duplicate.

Here’s what seems to be the related error from Player.log:

Failed to get faction: the Untitled
ERROR:Exception during turn it's also automatically on clipboard so just paste into IM or e-mail to System.Exception: unknown faction "the Untitled"
  at XRL.World.Factions.get (System.String name) [0x00056] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Reputation.modify (System.String faction, System.Int32 delta, System.String because, System.Text.StringBuilder putMessage, System.Boolean silent, System.Boolean transient) [0x00000] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Parts.AddsRep.ApplyBonus (XRL.World.GameObject who) [0x00172] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Parts.AddsRep.CheckApplyBonus (XRL.World.GameObject who, System.Boolean UseCharge, System.Int32 MultipleCharge) [0x000a5] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Parts.AddsRep.HandleEvent (XRL.World.EquippedEvent E) [0x00000] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.EquippedEvent.handlePartDispatch (XRL.World.IPart Part) [0x0000b] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEventInner (XRL.World.MinEvent E, System.Int32 ID) [0x0004b] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x00189] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.EquippedEvent.Send (XRL.World.GameObject Actor, XRL.World.GameObject Item, XRL.World.BodyPart Part) [0x00024] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Parts.Inventory.FireEvent (XRL.World.Event E) [0x0060d] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.GameObject.FireEvent (XRL.World.Event E) [0x002c0] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.Parts.Inventory.FireEvent (XRL.World.Event E) [0x015ac] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.World.GameObject.FireEvent (XRL.World.Event E) [0x002c0] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.UI.EquipmentScreen.ShowBodypartEquipUI (XRL.World.GameObject GO, XRL.World.BodyPart SelectedBodyPart) [0x000aa] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.UI.EquipmentScreen.Show (XRL.World.GameObject GO) [0x00bc6] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at XRL.UI.Screens.Show (XRL.World.GameObject GO) [0x00084] in <8ba5e6ee64ea49a6af77852fdffca140>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) XRL.Core.XRLCore.XRL.Core.XRLCore.PlayerTurn_Patch1(XRL.Core.XRLCore)

I’ve attached the save and Player.log file. I am also using many mods although I don’t know of any offhand that would be touching this area of the code, also that’s just my assumption

Comments (4)

  1. Christina Kriech reporter

    also, it took me this long to realize the name of the related cult is “the Brood of the Untitled”

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