Game slows/stops for a few seconds after each turn. Enabling Error Popups shows an Exception each turn.

Issue #5251 resolved
Former user created an issue

After exploring very deep strata the game suddenly slowed to a crawl. Inventory management, targeting etc. are still fast, however any action that makes an ingame turn pass like taking a step, stops the game for 1-2 seconds. This persists even after returning to the world map and going to several different overworld maps. Enabling Error popups and looking into the logs shows that every game turn a NullReferenceException is thrown appearently relating to the EmitMagneticPulse Event (Log file attached). Among the last few mobs i encountered in the deep strata was indeed a Pulsed field magnet, the zone has however been long unloaded and cleared from the cache. My backup save file was sadly made after this bug took hold. Is there any way to fix this?

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