Dragging is always null for most cell minimal events

Issue #5344 resolved
Former user created an issue

Dragging is never set for the following minimal events:

  • ObjectLeavingCellEvent
  • EnteringCellEvent
  • ObjectEnteringCellEvent
  • LeavingCellEvent
  • LeftCellEvent
  • EnterCellEvent
  • EnteredCellEvent
  • ObjectEnteredCellEvent

There may be more that I've missed. LeaveCellEvent has Dragging correctly set.

Comments (4)

  1. John Snail

    Still unresolved. Currently this affects mods more than it does vanilla (Dragging is only checked by LootOnStep and DoubleContainer), but should only take a couple minutes to fix.
    (I’m the original poster by the way)

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