[#bugs] the Flume Flier doesn't seem to be performing melee attacks, even on hostile cre...

Issue #5394 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: rockygr

Message (jump):

<a nonsense bird> the Flume Flier doesn't seem to be performing melee attacks, even on hostile creatures within range.

Comments (4)

  1. Autumn [wading]

    definitely fixed, although I have a suggestion as I noticed a situation where this might appear to be true:

    if you’re already adjacent to a creature and dash away (to prepare to dash right back into them), and said creature does not move from the tile they were on when you dashed away (due to quickness/immobility/etc), dashing back into them doesn’t cause an attack because they’re just outside of your range of the dash.

    if you feel like this is worth remedying, maybe the attack could activate if there is a hostile target in front of you when you land a max range dash? not a huge deal though

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