disassembling an item with an energy cell that was just removed with a liquid in it still pours the liquid on you

Issue #5413 resolved
Stephen Demos created an issue

I just disassembled a pistol that had a thermoelectric cell in it, naturally I removed the cell because I didn’t want to pour the lava all over myself, but when I disassembled the pistol in the same session (or whatever you would call doing it one after the other in the same popup window) it still disassembled the thermoelectric cell and proceeded to pour lava all over my body! It destroyed some gear I liked and was very sad.

I attached a screenshot that includes the log message window, it roughly says the following -

“You pop the thermoelectric cell out of your arc winder.”

“You disassemble the arc winder”

“You disassemble the thermoelectric cell” (????)

“7 drams of lava pours out all over you!”

Now granted I panicked and have a bad habit of doing actions when I panic instead of not doing actions until I figure out what to do like I should in a roguelike, which is what ultimately destroyed my armor, but this is definitely a bug anyway.

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