Dual Wield + Jab + multiple arms + horns + primary "hand" designation

Issue #5432 on hold
Gabriel Bales created an issue

As above, my character has multiple arms, horns, and the Dual Wield, Ambidextrous, and Jab skills. When I designate my horns as my primary weapon, the dagger in my left hand always attacks too, which makes sense as it has a 55%x2 = 110% chance of attacking. But the dagger in my right hand only attacks some of the time. What’s the formula that determines its chance of attacking? Is it treated as a multiple arm as per the multiple arms mutation? Or is it treated as an offhand weapon for the purposes of Dual Wield but the Jab x2 isn’t applied?

When I designate one of my hands as my primary, my horns don’t attack every time. Are horns not considered an offhand short blade for the purposes of Dual Wield and Jab?

Also, how do these different skills apply to folded carbide wristblades? Slog has removed my normal wrist slots but I still have two wrist slots from multiple arms. These wrist slots seem to inherit the multiple arms' chance of attacking (times 2 for Jab?), even when I designate one of the multiple arms as the primary hand. I can’t tell if this is a bug or if it’s as intended.

Long story short, I think it might be useful to add a slightly longer description to the Dual Wield skill that says “an offhand weapon is…”

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