[Discord: #bugs] Walls and other tiles are pushed around by force bubble when you walk into th...

Issue #55 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: gnarf

Message (jump):

<TheBlackHand> Walls and other tiles are pushed around by force bubble when you walk into them if they have room to. Liquid tiles are outright deleted.

Comments (11)

  1. Corey Frang

    Having a little trouble reproducing these, going to try some playthroughs, but if people who’ve experienced it can pay attention to the situations in which walls move, what type of wall, etc it could help us out a lot!

  2. syntaxaire

    Here’s a river before and after being “trimmed” by moving the edge of a force bubble on and off it repeatedly (seems to delete a certain number drams each time)

  3. syntaxaire

    Closed doors will be physically moved by force bubble, open ones will not (this one should be reproducible anywhere)

  4. chaos

    Fences and canvas walls being pushed is design-approved.

    Looks like we don’t actually want doors to be getting pushed, so that’s an open issue.

    Liquids being sucked up is also not desired and open.

  5. syntaxaire

    Other things getting pushed around include Grit Gate furniture: chain laser emplacements, low walls, glass walls, and security doors (but not regular security doors).

  6. chaos

    Also it looks like once you have a beefy enough esper, their force bubbles will start pushing normal walls (and doors even after they get tweaked here), and this also is design-approved.

  7. chaos

    With force bubbles no longer sucking up and destroying pools, everything addressed here should now be in "by design" status in beta as of next patch.

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