[#bugs] yeah so! i had a quest that was like "locate a snapjaw fort next to a snapjaw fo...

Issue #5712 on hold
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: the hoary demon helado

Message (jump):

<Exa> yeah so! i had a quest that was like "locate a snapjaw fort next to a snapjaw fort" and by this time i had discovered like 20 snapjaw forts so idk where i was supposed to go, no clue other than the proximity to the initial quest giver although that was also kinda tedious to work out. would it be possible to implement a way make telling them apart easier?

Comments (3)

  1. Ashe

    Interesting amalgamation of the “village quest nonspecifically named location” bug family: #308 was meant to remove forgotten ruins as an option but are still present, #2862 is a wontfix for that issue, #4339 is a wontfix for snapjaw forts, and then this issue it’s on hold for them.

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