Error building redacted

Issue #5777 resolved
Gabriel Bales created an issue

I was in redacted, and I attacked the thing that lives there. About 2/3 of the way through the fight, I accidentally stepped into one of the things and left redacted. So I did the thing to try to go back to redacted. At first I thought it hadn’t worked, there was a message that said nothing happened. But then an error message came up that said something like “This zone didn’t build properly, do you want to rebuild it?” I said yes, and it took me back to redacted. But none of the carnage of the battle was there (e.g., lots of blood, a voider den, and a couple of portable walls I had used were not there) and the thing that lives there had regained all his hitpoints and turned friendly again. Was that supposed to happen?

Comments (4)

  1. Gabriel Bales reporter

    When I arrived there the second time, it seemed to load as normal (although completely fresh, as above), but then I quit and when I opened the save again, the map was completely empty other than me. There aren’t any clams to use to escape, and my recoilers don’t work. I’m in clam hell!

  2. Armithaig

    No, just added that error message & extra logging last patch to try and rummage out what’s going on.

    Do you have the player.log from when this happened? That and/or reproduction steps from a Joppa start’d be nice, I’ve never successfully reproduced it locally.

    You can wish for FluxPhial and lost to set yourself up for clam entry, or goclam to head directly there.

    goto:JoppaWorld. would tele your old character to Joppa.

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