[#beta-bugs] starting a joppa run, wishing `idkfa`, walking directly to grit gate, and wishin...

Issue #585 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Issue requested by: helado, legendary sweet ooze

Message (jump):

<helado, legendary sweet ooze> starting a joppa run, wishing idkfa, walking directly to grit gate, and wishing godown:3 has twice now softlocked my entire os (i'm running on linux mint sarah in case that matters)

Comments (7)

  1. Sol

    it seems grit gate is failing to build in this way altogether. only the surface zone generates, and the remaining ones softlock whether i enter them normally or not. this is both with and without a mod i’m testing enabled

  2. Sol

    okay i did just one more test which was trying it from a reinstall and deleting save data and it still does it😭

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