Extradimensional items rusting but not rusting

Issue #5885 resolved
Gabriel Bales created an issue

While I was wandering around in the uppermost reaches of the Tomb, I occasionally got messages that my extradimensional items were rusting. But they never actually rusted.

Comments (9)

  1. chaos

    Unable to replicate, extradimensional item rusted correctly under ambient reality stabilization on both main and beta.

  2. cool guy

    i know this already got marked as invalid but i can confirm that this happened to me under the same circumstances

  3. cool guy

    i tried to see if it only rusted equipped items or ones on the ground to no avail, nothing actually rusts, it just continues to say it rusts and unequips the item without doing anything

    also it really seemed to enjoy rusting my phase cannon over and over again

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