Petition: Make friendly people less trigger-happy

Issue #6056 resolved
Gabriel Bales created an issue

Today I opened one of the sliding cabinets in the Yd Freehold because I’d never seen the furniture before and I was curious. I didn’t take anything - just opened it. At which point Bep, Krka, and Tilli all flipped out and tried to kill me.

Another time, I accidentally force-attacked a random floor wire while navigating Grit Gate. At which point like 8 different urshiib flipped out and started shooting at me.

Personally I think this is a disproportionate use of force. Sometimes people just trip over things, okay? I wonder if the NPCs could be made just slightly more forgiving?

Comments (5)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    I’d be for modulating down the feeling adjust in these two scenarios:

    • open owned container but don’t take anything
    • Attack owned non-creature object

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