The relic mask removal cooldown circumvention dance

Issue #6125 resolved
Gabriel Bales created an issue

You can’t remove a relic mask that gives you an ability while that ability is cooling down, which is reasonable to prevent hot-swapping. But you CAN make it fall off by having it equipped in an “extra face” slot given by a two-faced hat, and removing the hat. By exploiting this, my character effectively has Teleportation with a cooldown of 3 turns (Teleport, doff hat, don hat, don mask, Teleport).

Maybe it shouldn’t be possible to remove a two-faced hat while there’s an item with a cooling down ability in its “extra face” slot?

Comments (7)

  1. Gabriel Bales reporter

    Now I think about it, you could probably also do this with the Helping Hands, magnetic core, or equipment rack. Although the cybernetic ones are probably fine because hot-swapping would be too inconvenient

  2. Jason Grinblat

    There’ll probably always be a corner that lets you remove a cooldown item. should we just track the cooldown as a property on the player or item instead? @Armithaig @chaos

  3. chaos

    I think so, yeah. Probably need to make activated abilities optionally aware of their source, and if they have one, they track cooldown via it.

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