unable to quick travel.

Issue #6130 resolved
Former user created an issue

before bug occurred, character was travelling through rainbow forest.

couldn't fast travel once out into the jungle - used the joppa recoiler instead. stuffed my save permanently with the checkpoint system.

i've noticed liquids aren't falling off of my character like they should be.

was playing on the patch steam defaults to using when first playing, tried switching to the beta to see if it'd help to no avail.

i've tried the rebuild wish and moving several zones over, but no dice.

i have three minor mods installed, none of which i can see are causing this issue.

i'll send a save file on the discord once the applications to enter are open.

Unknown: System.Exception: Exception during turn it's also automatically on clipboard so just paste into IM or e-mail to support@freeholdentertainment.com: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at XRL.World.Effects.LiquidCovered.ProcessDynamics () [0x00038] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Effects.LiquidCovered.HandleEvent (XRL.World.EndTurnEvent E) [0x00045] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.EndTurnEvent.handleEffectDispatch (XRL.World.Effect Effect) [0x00000] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEventInner (XRL.World.MinEvent E, System.Int32 ID) [0x000f2] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x001d9] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.BodyPart.HandleEvent (XRL.World.MinEvent E) [0x0004e] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.BodyPart.HandleEvent (XRL.World.MinEvent E) [0x00111] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Parts.Body.HandleEvent (XRL.World.MinEvent E) [0x00014] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEventInner (XRL.World.MinEvent E, System.Int32 ID) [0x00073] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x001d9] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.EndTurnEvent.Send (XRL.World.GameObject Object) [0x00049] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.Core.ActionManager.ProcessIndependentEndTurn (XRL.World.GameObject obj) [0x00000] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Parts.TerrainTravel.HandleLeavingCell (XRL.World.GameObject Object, System.Int32& TotalSegments) [0x00291] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Parts.TerrainTravel.HandleEvent (XRL.World.ObjectLeavingCellEvent E) [0x00069] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.ObjectLeavingCellEvent.handlePartDispatch (XRL.World.IPart Part) [0x0000b] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEventInner (XRL.World.MinEvent E, System.Int32 ID) [0x0004b] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x001d9] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Cell.HandleEvent[T] (T E) [0x000a7] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.Cell.HandleEvent[T] (T E, XRL.World.IEvent ParentEvent) [0x00000] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.ProcessObjectLeavingCell (XRL.World.Cell CC, System.Boolean Forced, System.Boolean System, System.Boolean IgnoreGravity, System.Boolean NoStack, System.String Direction, System.String Type, XRL.World.GameObject Dragging, XRL.World.IEvent ParentEvent) [0x0006b] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.World.GameObject.Move (System.String Direction, System.Boolean Forced, System.Boolean System, System.Boolean IgnoreGravity, System.Boolean NoStack, XRL.World.GameObject Dragging, System.Boolean NearestAvailable, System.Nullable1[T] EnergyCost, System.String Type, System.Nullable1[T] MoveSpeed, System.Boolean Peaceful) [0x0091a] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.Core.XRLCore.PlayerTurn () [0x01805] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 at XRL.Core.ActionManager.RunSegment (System.Boolean bUnityDebug) [0x01a58] in <016a4e3f1c03425cb5bf997a5cfc758a>:0 Unknown color code:
Unknown color code:

Comments (5)

  1. brodie

    i did try! unfortunately even after zipping, it’s too big for the upload limit. so i’ll have to wait on the discord opening up.

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