Allow for certain cybernetics to replace dismembered limbs

Issue #6132 on hold
Former user created an issue

With hyperbitotic beds no longer able to regenerate limbs, True Kin are at a disadvantage compared to Mutant Kin. Whne Mutant characters are dismembered, Chimerae can use Regeneration to regrow a limb in a few turns, grow a Chimeric Limb by spending mutation points or rely on their remaining limbs if they took multiple arms, legs, or heads. Espers are simply less reliant on their limbs due to all their mental mutations.

True Kin, however, are not as lucky. Even if a severed limb does not cause an immediate death spiral, they are still operating at a significantly reduced capacity compared to their mutant peers. However giving them the ability to repace a severed limb with a particular bionic (beautiful visage, cherubic visage, custom visage, bionic arm, and bionic hand) will allow them to regain limb functionality without relying on a rare ubernostrum, finding a functional regeneration tank in Bethesda Susa or making the hike to the Yd Freehold. This will balance True Kin a bit better and buff the named bionics by giving them a function beyond a very minor stat boost.

A quick balance question is raised; "Should Giant Hands, Motorized Treads, or Hand Bones bionics be able to replace limbs?" These cybernetics are plenty powerful on their own and hardly need a buff, but if they will be unable to replace a limb, consider implementing or refluffing another cybernteic to bionic legs or feet to fill that niche.

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