Kith and Kin: excluded clue ID mismatch?

Issue #6140 new
cadmal created an issue

Bey Lah’s Kith and Kin quest appears to have 2-3 mismatching Clue IDs in the game’s XML that identify which circumstantial clues are excluded when accusing a particular thief. These seem to line up with two “circumstance” clues that are not referenced by any of the exclusions.

This presumably allows the player to make a couple accusations that are intended to be rejected by Neelahind.

Excluded for suspect Clue ID in Conversations.xml/”KithAndKinExclusion” Probable intended clue (based on XRL.World.HindrenMysteryGamestate.init())
Kendren Clue_WornBracer (a Kesehind “motive” clue) Clue_DiscardedBracer (not referenced by any exclusions)
Eskhind Clue_ForeignLeatherworkingTools (a Kendren “motive” clue) Clue_LeatherworkingHammer (not referenced by any exclusions)
Eskhind Clue_PoolOfPutresence (no equivalent/removed?)

I haven’t seen the impact of this in-game but noticed it while doing some digging for the wiki.

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