Bug/Modding: EncounterTables.xml and PopulationTables.xml are broken

Issue #6143 resolved
Former user created an issue

This bug seemingly began occurring after the 18th of March update.

Many mods have been impacted, Vanilla functionality has also been impacted.

EncounterTables.xml appears to no longer be functioning at all (if it's been fully depreciated, it doesn't seem to have been mentioned in the patch-notes).

PopulationTables.xml appears to have changed to no longer use many of it's populations such as junk, utility, ammo and others, despite them still existing in the xml.

The removal of these categories from use has had knock-on effects causing issues such as camel bladders becoming unobtainable, torches only being obtainable upon spawning, and more, not to mention the many mods that now have mostly broken spawning, with just enough items spawning to let players think the lack of modded items being found is simply a luck issue.

I was 50/50 on submitting this bug report, as it appears this can technically be worked around, suggesting that it could be considered valid as an update to the games code/layout. However, it's implementation suggests it may also not have the desired outcome?

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Grinblat

    Most of ammo, utility etc are linked through Junk, which gets used a lot. EncounterTables is deprecated. I did just make camel bladders a little more common

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