Loyalty Cascade type issue in Yd Freehold 2.0.203

Issue #6167 resolved
N N created an issue

So, notice the Brooding Rosepuff and denizen of Yd Freehold, a couple squares northwest of my character. Similarly, notice the kaleidoslug, several squares southeast of my character. The kaleidoslug is one of several that I think spawn normally in the pens in the southeast corner of Yd. They eventually get out of their pen and wander the town randomly. As soon as one passes by the Rosepuff, it puffs. The slug then reacts by killing the Rosepuff.

This causes the town to attack the kaleidoslug (see edit for further details). Eventually, a Putus Templar gunner denizen ended up killing Goek in all of this mess (among other things). Really, those mushrooms just shouldn’t spawn as denizens in Yd, and perhaps even elsewhere, though I don’t pretend to know what the best solution to this problem is.

Just load up the save that is attached and wait around for a while. Eventually, one of the slugs will wander next to the Rosepuff, and you’ll see the ensuing fighting that occurs.

(EDIT: Upon further observation it would appear it’s as simple as “the whole town vs. neutral kaleidoslug” triggered by the puffing incident. Mak is very close and is usually the first to reach the slug. He has an attack that teleports the target. So, the slug is teleported elsewhere in the town, which usually gets other townsfolk involved. It looks like friendly fire incidents during the resulting fight often result in things like what I stated above, where a templar gunner denizen eventually killed Goek. Not to mention the slugs are pretty tough, and the slug sometimes kills itself a svardym.)

Comments (10)

  1. cool guy

    honestly the puffs should just be aggressive by default (in the wild) and only puff on creatures it is hostile to, instead of the current behavior of them puffing on neutral creatures

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