Averaged AV from bracelet does not apply properly

Issue #6193 resolved
Former user created an issue

I found a relic bracelet that gives 2 AV. My character has two arms. When I equip the bracelet, I would expect my AV to go up by one, but it does not change at all.

I found this recent issue which mentions averaging of DV across arms, It might be describing the same issue: #6158

Comments (4)

  1. monacle geraffe

    When I equip the bracelet, I would expect my AV to go up by one, but it does not change at all.

    I tested a bit more and the issue is actually a different one: It’s not the averaging that’s broken, but that once I equip the bracelet the 1 AV it (correctly) grants stays on the character even if I unequip the bracelet. Re-Equippping it after that does not change the AV value, that’s why I originally thought It wasn’t applied (it was just already there). The AV bonus only disappears after I equip a different bracelet.

    The problem seems to have to do something with the interaction between different bracelets: I have a precinct navigator on the other arm. While that is equipped, the bonus of the bracelet I wear on the other arm is not cleared when the other bracelet is removed. I tested with both the relic and a snakeskin armlet (same result, +1 DV bonus stays even after it’s unequipped). Unequipping the precinct navigator reliabliy cleared the extra AV/DV.

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