[#bugs] The part SpawningEggSac uses `ParentObject.CurrentCell` instead of `GetBasisCell...

Issue #6225 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<Noelle Lavenza (transgendeer)> The part SpawningEggSac uses ParentObject.CurrentCell instead of GetBasisCell(), which results in a null reference exception if a Svardym egg sac doesn't have a proper cell (specifically, if the chest spawned via the allbox wish is picked up, but it could theoretically happen other ways even though it's not Takeable). This leads to an exception during every single turn, rendering the player permanently locked out of the controls (including pausing the game to quit it) when the allbox is picked up.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashe

    K-Goninon appears to be able to get these if I’m reading the xml correctly, so it’s probably worth taking a look at.

  2. Noelle Lavenza

    0lam definitely can as well. I think the best solution is probably just making it so the Svardym Egg Sac blueprint inherits from, say, InorganicObject.

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