precognition end vision twice while stunned into death

Issue #6256 resolved
Former user created an issue

what happened: 1) activate precognition 2) go down a stair into the third healing pool of bethesda susa 3) on the last turn of precognition sense your demise and get stunned 4) die

what I expected to happen 1) same 2) same 3) after entering yes to the first precognition prompt (sense demise) I expected to watch how I would die and then appear back on the downstair of the previous floor to give me another try at figuring out what's going on down there 4) after entering yes to the second precognition prompt (about to end) I expected to immediately appear back on the downstair 5) after getting stunned I expected to appear back on the downstair because you do not need muscles to mentally do psychic stuff

video of it happening, considering the pause on each prompt I am confident I entered 'y' twice

Leaving priority as major because I couldn't find any public guidelines for and this seems higher than minor (bugs resulting in PC death in a potentially permadeath rougelike are not minor) but below critical (no crashes, the game can still function afterwards)

Leaving milestone blank

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