[#bugs] Hooks for Feet deals bleed damage and has a to-hit bonus that scales with your l...

Issue #6259 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Noelle Lavenza (transgendeer)

Message (jump):

<Noelle Lavenza (transgendeer)> Hooks for Feet deals bleed damage and has a to-hit bonus that scales with your level of Horns. If you don't have horns, it still has an effective/default horns level of 1, meaning it has +1 to-hit and deals 1 bleed damage with a save of 23. If you do have horns, your hooks are just as effective at hitting or inflicting bleeding as your horns are. (Notably, this is based off of the mutation and not the horns object, so even if you lose the object due to the head it's on being decapitated, your hooks will still deal just as much bleed.) Pictures are with Horns 10. https://i.imgur.com/w5la665.png https://i.imgur.com/xUNtbxp.png

Comments (3)

  1. Anya Martin

    update: looks like it’s because of HornsProperties function getHornLevel, which just performs a general search for the horns mutation on the mutation user.

    there’s a related bug that items with HornsLevel 0 (beak and hooks for feet) don’t make offhand attacks ever. They make mainhand attacks like normal. This isn’t an issue with Folk-horned Helms, which have hardcoded horns levels of 1.

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