Vessels and bottles owned by nonexistent factions can roll in common PopulationTables

Issue #6352 resolved
Noelle Lavenza created an issue

Despite having ExcludeFromDynamicEncounters, the following blueprints are available to spawn in certain Stilt tents, lair cubbies, and sultan dungeon cubbies (which are included in the Strata and Cave builders).

  • Owned by faction "AppleMerchant" (nonexistent), spawns in "AppleMerchantTentContents", "SultanDungeons_Cubbies_*Default", "Lairs_Cubbies_*Default", and "HookahTent"

    • "Cider Vase"
    • "Cider Bottle", also spawns in "CommonOddEncounters"."PariahCamp" and "RedrockLevel2Encounters"."PariahCamp".
    • "Cider Pitcher"
  • Owned by faction "Vintner" (nonexistent), spawns in "VintnerTentContents", "SultanDungeons_Cubbies_*Default", "Lairs_Cubbies_*Default", and "HookahTent"

    • "Wine Vase"
    • "Wine Bottle"
    • "Wine Pitcher", also spawns in "CommonOddEncounters"."SultanShrine", "CommonOddEncounters"."Shrines", "MechanimistStatue", "RedrockLevel2Encounters"."MechanimistStatue", and "RedrockPerSector-EnvironmentalFeatures"."SultanShrine".
  • "Oil Bottle" is owned by Vintners and spawns in "SultanDungeons_Cubbies_*Default", "Lairs_Furnishings_gunsmith", "Lairs_Cubbies_gunsmith", and "GrenadierTentContents".

  • "Oil Vase" is owned by Vintners but doesn’t spawn in any population tables.
  • "Oil Pitcher" is also owned by Vintners but only spawns in "GrenadierTentContents".
  • Owned by faction "Beekeeper" (nonexistent), spawns in "BeeKeeperTentContents",

    • "Honey Vase", also spawns in "SultanDungeons_Cubbies_*Default"
    • "Honey Bottle"
    • "Honey Pitcher"

This supersedes issues #60, #2449, and #4175, as well as several issues that were closed/marked as duplicates.

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