Discovering interesting encounters on the world map, unclear (bugged?) mechanics

Issue #6383 resolved
Former user created an issue

I'll admit I don't know how this is intended to work, but I've experimented enough to know this behavior is reproducible. If I take all the wayfaring skills on a character, some biomes I'll never see a single interesting encounter except for friendly villages. For example I'll never see a single goatfolk village or lair popup in the jungle, but I'll still get snapjaw fort notifications in the canyons, or ruins notifications in the rivers. It's really bad when I can't find anything in the jungle, the majority of the map. If this is intentional it should be noted in the wayfaring tooltips, I'd rather not take the skills at all because in that case getting lost is better for exploring unseen zones. I swap bodies a lot if that somehow impacts the mechanic.

Comments (4)

  1. Zapulater

    I second this small frustration. It might be nice to have a toggle that notifies me of interesting encounters or not for a biome whose wayfaring skill I own.

  2. Ashe

    I’ve definitely seen both before. The goatfolk villages even have a unique message, something about smelling roast boar. It does however feel like there’s something wacky with finding stuff on the world map but it might just be luck tripping me up, seems like you can go whole around-the-globe trots and not find anything and the next time you use the world map you stumble over every encounter.

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