Witchwood wreaths should be harvestable for Witchwood bark

Issue #6389 resolved
Tom Myers created an issue

It would be really cool if witchwood wreaths could be disassembled into 1x witchwood bark by characters with harvestry.

Right now at +0Av, +0Dv and no bonus to any stats or rep, the witchwood wreath is purely decorative. It amounts to something you just end up ignoring.

Giving witchwood wreaths some utility as a source of witchwood bark would make them a little more exciting to encounter. It also might give a slight buff to classes that start out with the harvestry skill. The frequency that I seem to run into witchwood wreaths is pretty low, so I don’t think it would upset the balance of accessiblity to healing items.

As a bonus, It would be really really cool if the wichwood wreath were only harvestable when wet, because bark is easier to strip when soaked in water. This would give the wet status some more utility, too.

I think the gameplay loop of finding a witchwood wreath on a snapjaw corpse, taking it over to a pool of salty water, hopping in to get it wet, and then harvesting it for some witchwood bark sounds really fun, interesting, rewarding.

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