Deep jungle Goatfolk villages aren't very dangerous

Issue #6458 resolved
Former user created an issue

It varies since qlippoths have random mutations, but Goatfolk villages in the deep jungle are remarkably safe. The villages aren't highly populated with typically 2 or 3 identical Goatfolk and nothing else, and they aren't particularly difficult compared to the rest of the deep jungle enemies. And unlike the other deep jungle enemies, they drop Crysteel loot and strong artifacts. In my experience Goatfolk sowers are more dangerous. And sowers are sometimes found in large groups, with a variety of other enemies. The rewards don't feel proportionate to the difficulty - the deep jungle villages often have multiple chests of good loot too. It'd be nice to have more variety, like the 5 different Goatfolk in the normal jungle. As it stand with wilderness lore: jungles I can safety find late game loot relatively early.

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