missing noun in quest details

Issue #6488 new
JRB created an issue

I received this village quest; there is a missing word (road?) in the last line.

(By the way, the word “dower” doesn’t seem to make much sense in that context.)

Comments (5)

  1. JRB reporter

    In case it helps, the last line should have read “…following the river that passes west through the lair…” .

    This quest was a little scuffed generally. The river did flow west (and north) out of the named lair, but it didn’t connect with an eastward river in the next zone (which was a workshop zone). The next zone to the west had a big river running NS and smaller ones running EW, so all 4 edges had river exits. I guessed correctly to continue W, but another zone further along had 3 river exits (E, N and S). So finishing the quest would have take a bit of trial and error, even without the text bug.

  2. Noelle Lavenza

    Dower here is being used in an archaic sense, just meaning gift/boon.

    It looks like the proper string is "we hear you can find it by following the *path* that passes through *landmark* *direction*". What do/did you have for the quest description in your journal?

  3. JRB reporter

    Noelle: Sorry, I failed to note the quest description, and it has now gone from my journal. Is there a way to retrieve it?

    (Are you sure that “dower” ever had that sense? I don’t think I believe it.)

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