Please revert Otherpearl additive/multiplicative change

Issue #6549 resolved
Gabriel Bales created an issue

How often are people really going to be able to equip 4+ Otherpearls? And doesn’t it seem okay for them to get something really special from doing that? Having every tenth item be extradimensional is a ton of fun and it’s an awesome thing to be able to work towards in the very late game. But now it’s pointless, because the chance to find even 1-2 extradimensional items (outside of buying them from 0lam) remains slim to none no matter how many Otherpearls you’ve got equipped. All the change did was make the game a little bit less appealing and interesting 😞

Comments (5)

  1. Ashe

    I sort of felt the same way, but for me the problem more lies in that 99% of extradimensional gear is not worth using vs native mods you can tinker yourself. There are so many effects per category that just aren’t really meaningful in any capacity but especially by the time you can get lots of otherpearls, and with my bookmods request for it wontfix’d it really feels like there’s no point in using otherpearls for this at all. That’s fair enough if that’s not the intent of the item but it certainly does make loot variance a lot thinner. If the chance was the same as it was now but the effects were all quite strong, it would be fine.

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