Templar should have a negative faction feeling about non-robot non-True Kin Factions

Issue #6554 on hold
Ashe created an issue

It is bizarre to me that in-lore, at least according to Otho, that the Templar despise all mutants but in game only harbour negative faction feelings for Beasts, barathrumites, mechanimists, glow-wights, children of mamon, and the girsh. They harbour a special malice towards the player themselves as a mutant, but will happily sit by the majority of humanoid/plant mutant factions. Perhaps they should harbour more resentment to a greater number of factions who they currently do not have a negative relationship in either direction with (such as cragmensch), or if possible, give them a negative faction feeling for any non-robot who isn’t True Kin, with possible exceptions for people it makes sense for them to still interact with (dromads and merchants etc probably come to mind, if the templar aren’t too high-strung to deal with them at all). It would certainly make them feel like more of an existential threat if almost anyone that’s on the same tile as them when they spawn dynamically is in their sights.

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