No interesting encounters after first village quest

Issue #6570 resolved
Former user created an issue

There seems to be a bug and I'm not entirely sure what triggers it but it causes "interesting encounters" to just stop. I can still find named towns rarely, but 0 lost ruins or anything else. And the trigger is either completing the first village quest or accepting the "a Signal in the Noise" quest which comes directly after receiving the village recoiler. After that I can walk around in the desert with all wayfarer skills and lose 500+ water and not find anything, literal ingame years go by. The bug is easily replicable but I attached my savefile just in case.

Patch GOG version

Comments (3)

  1. Steve

    I tested around some more and recently that bug manifested right after I did the water ritual with the village elder and got the ability “fasting way” in the starting village. I can make as many savefiles as you need with the bug if that helps, since I can’t seem to start a new game without running into it several minutes later.

    Save file:

  2. Armithaig

    Oooh ah haha yeah this is rough, most surface terrain objects are marked immutable so their chance encounters won’t survive a serialization cycle (save/load, precognition).

    Been an issue for a long time too, got some keen senses there Steve. Be fixed in 203.51.

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