Automation QOL: The ability to disable autoget for specific items that would be enabled by other categories

Issue #6612 new
Ashe created an issue

Again as per QudUX, the ability to disable autoget for specific items that your other enabled autoget categories cause you to pick up would be welcome QOL. Of note are things like sowers' seeds, copper nuggets, any weapon or armour with an item mod, etc, that aren’t necessarily valuable to the player at all times but which are scooped up simply because you wanted to pick up artifacts and trade goods. QudUX had this working through the context menu for items, but another approach could be to build it into the options menu and let you select items you do not wish to ever autoget. Regardless, the important factor is that it is kept over save files, so that you’re not constantly filling your pockets with unwanted trash just so you can benefit from the ability to pick up things you actually do want.

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