Spread Klanq around Qud on item ignores modified items

Issue #6657 wontfix
Michael Orenstein created an issue

One of the options for spreading Klanq around Qud included onto “a crysteel dagger”.

A trader had a “flawless crysteel dagger”, I saved up and bought it, but it didn’t work.

Eventually I found another trader with a “crysteel dagger”, bought that, and that did work.

Seems as though modifications means the quest isn’t resolved.

Comments (3)

  1. JRB

    “Flawless” isn’t a mod. Flawless crysteel is the item tier above crysteel (just as folded carbide is the tier above carbide).

  2. Sol

    a mod wouldn’t interfere with it, yeah, although in this case it might still make sense to allow it to work. we’ll see what they decide to do with it

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