[#bugs] a dromad trader spawned as a psychic thrall & its guards spawned with it, and af...

Issue #6716 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Ashe-No-Longer, Legendary Seeker

Message (jump):

<clover, qudzu symbiote 🍀🍂> a dromad trader spawned as a psychic thrall & its guards spawned with it, and after killing the associated esper hunter, the caravan's loyalty eventually reset... kind of. they're all 'neutral' to me now, and the trader isn't trying to attack, but the guards are still chasing and attacking me (in the attached screenshot, they're the two closest to my character; the one that's furthest & 1 tile to the south of the rest is the trader). since they're 'not hostile', i don't auto-attack them; i switch places with them if i try. oddly enough, trying to talk to the guard right next to my character gives the "engaged in hand-to-hand combat and is too busy to have a conversation" message
i'm not sure whether it'd make more sense for them to stay hostile until i leave the zone & let time pass (like most angered friendly/neutral creatures) or to stop attacking once the leading dromad trader is freed from being a thrall but as it is, it's pretty confusing to be attacked by creatures the game's telling me aren't hostile lol

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