[#bugs] shooting the pet man opener with friendly fire causes her to turn dark blue (lik...

Issue #6743 resolved
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Noelle Lavenza (transgendeer)

Message (jump):

<Rifles-By-Starlight> shooting the pet man opener with friendly fire causes her to turn dark blue (like her ALT color palette). if you break line of sight with her after that happens, she turns back to her normal color. player.log attached so that all the mods i'm using are visible

Comments (5)

  1. Limaximus Lamb

    tested on a clean save with no mods other than man opener herself, and the behavior persists, so no need to worry about mods attached as much.

  2. Limaximus Lamb

    tested with esbear and iopinax the younger, same behavior with both. seems like it’s just a pet issue 😄

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