[#bugs] QOL request: it's difficult to locate loot after a large battle, because corpses...

Issue #6746 new
Freehold Games Bot Account created an issue

Marked for crossposting by: Dij [entombed]

Message (jump):

<Soron> QOL request: it's difficult to locate loot after a large battle, because corpses tend to block the item sprite when spawned (ditto with some other items that end up covering up loot, such as small stones thrown by baboons). it would be awesome if worthwhile items were made easier to spot. I'll give one idea in the next paragraph, although I'm sure there are plenty of other approaches as well.

one approach that I'd find really useful would the ability to mark an item type as "ignored", or similar, using similar logic to the "treat as scrap" functionality currently in-game (such as an unmodded item being treated as different than modded). if I could mark an item type as ignored, and then (a) have its sprite not render on top of other items in the same tile, sort of the inverse of how furniture works, (b) have the tile not highlight in white while holding alt if the tile only contains ignored items, and (c) preferably, not be picked up with "take all"; then that would make it way easier and less tedious to locate loot on large battlefields.

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